Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 100

Low back was still clamped up on me, was supposed to squat to heavy singles today, but had a change of plans. Plus it feels like I've got someone stabbing an ice pick under my left scapula... whatever that is about...

Lots of shoulder warmup and stretching with bands x several minutes
stretching with broom handles x a few more

bar x 8,8,8
135 x 5,5
225 x 5
275 x 1
295 x 1
305 x 1
315 x 4 singles (all strict contest reps, very easy and fast, hoping for upwards of 350 at PL meet)

low cable row, wide grip
90 x 10
110 x 10
130 x 10
150 x 10

overhead ez bar triceps x 2 sets

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