Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 72

Well, I've decided to train for a USAPL meet in Atlanta in December just to give me something to train for and to, you know, try and get stronger. So today was kind of a test day for the squat, bench and deadlift.

Bench Press
Bar x 2 or 3 sets
135 x 4 x 2
185 x 3 x 2
225 x 1 x 2
250 x 1
275 x 1 x 5
;These were all pretty strict, I'm having to figure out my hand placement, I can't go super wide like I used to so pinky on the ring is about right for me, tried to get a good arche, full motionless pause on the chest for a 1 Mississppi count, and then at the top I hold it for a couple of seconds and conciously think "rack".  I'm going to do plenty of accessory work in the future, but honestly, being smart right now and getting into a groove is the main goal. I hate bench pressing...

bar x 3
135 x 3
225 x 1
315 x 1
405 x 1 x 2
All were unnecissarily deep, again tried to think through the commands as i lifted, I'm gonna put signs up in front of the squat rack that say "WAIT FOR THE COMMAND"

315 x 2
405 x 2
500 x 1
530 x 1
All with a hook grip. The alternating grip changes my pull too much, if my hookgrip gets too painful/weak into the 600lb range I may go with it, but except for the red swollen thumbs after training yesterday, I might as well have been using straps, I was locked. These were good easy pulls, nothing too heavy. Good starting point.

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