Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 83

Rack pulls against short bands, I just took a 3" block out from the speed pulls I did last week. so the bar height is around 12"
bar x 3
135 x 3
225 x 2
315 x 2
405 x 2
475 x 2(this felt just right, very heavy at the top)

The thing I like about deadlifting against bands is that it doesn't wear my out like standard deadlifts do.  I am strong off the floor, I need the work at the top, the bands give me that.

bar x warmup
145 x warmup
235 x 3
285 x 1
305 x 1,1,1  (long pauses, all commands, still feeling light, but taking my time, still getting pec twinges every now and then, injury free and stronger is the goal)

barbell rows
255 x 5 x 3

all I had time for, gonna rest hard this weekend

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