Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 186

Log Press
empty warmup
155 x 3,3
205 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 2 (cleaned both reps)
205 x 6, 4 (clean once)

Axle lockouts
86 x a few
152 x a lot (can't remember)
218 x some
238 x a couple
I honestly can't remember I just went from can to can't

Barbell strict press/push jerks (all in the same set, tried to break it up half and half
135 x 6,6
185 x 3,3
205 x 2, 2
225 x 1pj and fail in sp

My goal today was to get my numbers on the log press, and then exhaust my shoulders and triceps with as much pressing as I could stand.  I didn't have time for the upper back work I wanted to do, but it was good to focus on just one thing.

My old left elbow injury has come back around and now I'm having pain doing any curling exercise. I fully expect the bicep to detach any time now.

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