Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 14

Hot day in the gym. Lots of soreness still in my lower back. I completely had to change what I had planned to do. So I decided to work on clean technique and do some squatting and arm work.  Nothing serious, just some light work to get some weak areas targeted.

Bump Cleans - (so titled after Zack Roberts keeps telling me it's just a bump at the top, sort of like a hang clean but shorter, working on the rack position)
 135 x 25-30 singles.

16.5" box squat
bar x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5 x 5 (tried to do these as fast as I could, like the old school dynamic effort day)

tricep pushdowns 63,73,83,93,103 x 12
db curls 45s x 10,10

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