Log Press
empty x 10
(clean every rep from here on)
155 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3 x 3
18" box squat
bar, 135, 225, 325, 425 x 5
505 x 1(wanted a double, but, not today, what the heck, I forget how whippy the bar gets when you get around 500 and up)
405 x 3 x 3 (tried to go fast)
DB rows
140 x 10 x 3
Left the gym sick, had to be a 100 plus in the steel shed, I know some of you young guys could have cranked this workout in 20 minutes, but I had to go home and pound some cold fluids and sit in the AC and think about who I am for a while... Not gonna lie, got to close today.
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